Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I realize that I haven't written in a while and it isn't because I haven't been to church. In fact I have started to work at my church for children's ministry.
I wanted this blog to be my spiritual journal, the place where I discuss my walk. Humble because I of course stumble. Thus, my Humble Walk.

So anyhoo, we had a church staff meeting today and we did an interesting exercise where our Interim pastor read a passage from the bible and then we went around and gave the word that stood out to us. My word was WALK (hmmm notice a theme) and then we all talked about how the verse impacted us. It was interesting because everyone was impacted in a different way. Kind of like the 5 blind men who feel the elephant and describe it differently. My thoughts were about how the lame man first requested gold and silver from the disciples. Asking for something much less than what he really needed, and that was to be able to walk. But who asks for something that big? We set our sights on the small stuff, not really expanding our mind around all that God has for us. That speaks a lot to where I am at, where I struggle. My dependency on my own ability to provide vs. trusting God.(give me money Lord, then I will be able to do so much vs.make we walk Lord and lets see where you take me) Not believing that he has anything bigger for the story of my life than what is in my own imagination.
I identified with the lame beggar, other people were struck by the disciples taking time out to help someone, or the beggar being a picture of the world and the disciples the church. The specifics of the time being mentioned indicating that God does things in His time. All good thoughts, all indicating I believe where God is working in each ones life.

That is why the scripture is so powerful. It is called our daily bread. WE don't just read it and say "wow that was profound" It actually changes us. It affects the way we live out our lives. There are so many levels and nuances to the words and stories that we all come away fed and many times get something different from the scripture than someone else. I often get something different from scripture at different times in my life.

We recently visited Tod's grandma at a nursing home. Her Bible was was so worn and threadbare. It looked a little shabby like a favorite pair of jeans you wear all the time and can't bear to throw out. Tod pointed it out and said Now there is a Bible that has a history. I want my Bible to look like that. Worn, underlined, questionmarked, tear stained. A book not read once and put away, but read daily, a source of nourishment that continues to feed me as I grow, through all the challenges and changes in my life. My daily bread.

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