Saturday, May 02, 2009

In storing up treasure

I have made it one of my goals this year to read the Bible in the course of the entire year, through daily reading plans from Biblegateway to keep me on track. I have to admit though that I am not as diligent as I should be and find myself on many days/weeks playing catch up. I have another source that I subscribe too that gives me a verse for the day with a discussion. I read this when I feel that I am "too busy" (distracted by the urgent) to do the Bible Gateway. In reality it only takes about 15 minutes to read the daily readings, but I find myself, studying, doing word searches and can spend more than on hour if I am trying to absorb and learn from the daily reading. Therefore catch up days are hard for me. But I do it for two reasons...
1.I believe that the Bible is the source of truth and life. It is bread for my soul. Without it I am spiritually starving and lost. I am not as effective in my daily life in living out the purposes God has for me.
2. There are so many seductive world views that can draw me away from that truth. Ideas meant to empower me, lead to my own personal growth and self actualization. Spiritual junk food so to speak, filling, unhealthy, appealing and can take me away from that which sustains me, guides me keeps me safe, humble and effective in helping others.

So, I try to stay close for it contains treasures that when stored up within me pour forth in times of need, much like the tools that Aslan gave in the form of gifts to Lucy, Peter and Susan in the Chronicles of Narnia. The tools to protect, to call for help, and to heal. They must be stored up in order to be called out at the right time. They are also tools that provide direction and discernment for right and wrong. The study of God's word is something that never ends throughout the course of ones life. There are layers upon layers of meaning. And the richness of His word has no end. I believe that there are also revelations within the Word meant for periods of time, truths that are always there..but unlocked when the time is right. I have found that to be true as I have been reading the Bible since I was a child. I will come upon things and find new meaning thinking..I have read this one hundred times and never saw this! I think there are also revelations meant for generations. Things we can see perhaps now that were not found before. God's word is living, perhaps penned centuries ago...but reflecting all of time from beginning to end. Revealing and unfolding a plan and a purpose. To know it is to feel secure in shaky times. To have a transcendent perspective. It is life...I am almost ashamed that there are days when I am too busy to I too busy to eat? I may get absorbed in things to the point that I have passed a meal time but my hunger, my moods my energy level always forces me to eat. I want to be that tuned in to my spiritual hunger. I think in a sense that I am, that we all are, but as I said, there is plenty of spiritual junk food that seems to satisfy, at least it numbs our hunger. So for me, I am making it my pursuit to fill myself with this Life Giving Word every day of this year, every day beyond it.